Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pathological Dieter Coming Clean

Synopsis: I have been a chronic dieter for 25 years (give or take)  I don't understand thin, skinny, trim as the last time these words were applicable, yet not understood, was around 1985.  I'll be 40 this year and have a team of people behind me pushing me to get into better shape....a smaller shape, lol. 

I've attempted several diets but it was Lindora, forced upon me in my teens as my parents found my chubbiness unsightly, that kick started the unhealthy eating roller coaster.  No poo pooing on Lindora, I was the wrong candidate for the program, mainly because it wasn't my decision and I went unwillingly.

This was during the dark ages of diet foods, foods that tasted not of this earth, like they were done wrong...on purpose.  Protein bars, shakes, powdered eggs...MREs were works of art compared to these soilent green pellets.  I'm pretty sure the ingredients included failure and disappointment.

After over two decades of being overweight, 6 years of paralysis, 5 years of type 1/2 diabetes (insulin-dependent) and about three years of close work with Restorative Excercise specialists, I figured this was the time.  I have a team of supporters willing to help track progress, and guess what?

I'm willing.

In fact I'm excited for the sole fact that the people with the science of positive results are the ones who inspired the idea of a team approach.  I love group projects and social experiments.  So this blog will be dedicated to the emotional roller coaster, the results (all of them), the data, and the victories during this journey.

All comments, words of encouragement, suggestions, recipes,  articles, ideas are welcome!   I love you guys and I finally love me.